At Burbage Juniors we strive to provide the best possible curriculum experiences for your child. We teach the subjects as laid down in the National Curriculum (2014). Although we cover all of the subjects from the National Curriculum, we aim to teach as much as possible in a linked, thematic way, based upon real experiences.
We run regular curriculum evenings and events where parents can find out more about what their children will be covering, and how they can support.
Our aim is that our pupils become fluent, life-long readers. We teach a variety of strategies, including phonics, and promote reading for pleasure through use of our excellent, well-stocked school library. Early reading intervention is through Animaphonics.
Spelling is taught using the Oxford Owl ‘Read, Write, Inc’ scheme, and handwriting through the Nelson scheme.
Pupils receive a weekly grammar and punctuation lesson; however, all elements of the 2014 English curriculum are also integrated into writing lessons. The teaching of writing is linked to other curriculum areas wherever possible, and pupils are given many opportunities to write for purpose.
All elements of the 2014 Aims (fluency, problem-solving and reasoning) are given equal weighting at Burbage Juniors as we want our pupils to be confident, creative and resilient mathematicians, whichever area of mathematics they are working on.
Maths is taught through lively, interactive lessons which involve direct teaching to the whole class. Children are encouraged to use concrete and pictorial aids wherever necessary.
Whilst we follow White Rose Small Step objectives for our planning, we use a range of resources which provide a balance between practical and written activities.
We are currently sustaining mastery principles into our mathematics teaching, supported by East Midland South Maths Hub and a Maths Mastery Specialist teacher.
We aim to teach computing across the curriculum. Every child has one discreet computing session per week. Computing is taught through a spiral curriculum called Purple Mash. In addition to this, PSHCE is used to teach responsible use. Safe and responsible use of the internet and other computing devices is embedded in our teaching. We aim to equip parents and pupils with up-to-date knowledge that enhances their learning and ensures that both pupils and parents use all aspects of technology safely and responsibly. We are constantly exploring new and imaginative ways to inspire our children through the use of technology within the classroom.
Click here for our Online Safety Curriculum.
Geography provides a means of exploring, appreciating and understanding the world in which we live and how it has evolved. We aim to build upon a child's "personal geography" by developing geographical skills, understanding and knowledge through studying places and themes. Geography is taught through a spiral curriculum called Oddizzi.
Pupils investigate a variety of people, places and environments in the UK and abroad. They find out how people affect the environment and how they are affected by it. They carry out geographical enquiry inside and outside the classroom. In doing this they ask geographical questions and use geographical skills and resources such as maps, atlases, aerial photographs and ICT.
We believe that by learning about history, we can equip children with the knowledge they need to succeed not only in further education but in later life.
Children are taught to develop and improve their understanding, skills and historical knowledge. Opportunities for cross-curricular links with other subjects are utilised where appropriate. History is taught through a spiral curriculum called Kapow.
As Martin Luther King Jr said, ‘We are not makers of history. We are made by history’ and only by learning about what has already happened, can children begin to think about the future.
Young children are naturally curious and at Burbage Juniors, we provide a stimulating science curriculum that nurtures children’s natural curiosity and their on-going intellectual development.
Through a hands-on, inquiry-based curriculum, children will experience the joy of having wonderful ideas, exploration and investigation – that is, the joy of finding out how science works. Science is taught through a spiral curriculum via Pearson.
Links that we have established within the business community and local universities ensure pupils can see how science works across everyday life; this has allowed us to develop our National Science Week, broadening pupils’ views and highlighting how science is all around us.
Art lessons give children the chance to experiment, express their ideas, develop a range of skills and experience different approaches to art, craft and design. There are opportunities for painting, drawing, embroidery, collage and modelling using a range of materials. Children are given time to study art from other cultures and the work of artists through history. Art is taught through a spiral curriculum called Kapow.
Design Technology
Design and technology allows children to develop their ideas through design as well as experiencing a range of materials and tools involved in the making process. Lessons use skills developed in art, science, maths and computing. Children will also have the opportunity to develop the skills to prepare and cook food and apply the principles of a healthy and varied diet when working with food. DT is taught through a spiral curriculum called Kapow.
Our aim is to develop the pupils' understanding & enjoyment of music throughout the key stage. The National Curriculum forms the basis of our work with class lessons in music.
We aim to develop, through musical activity, the social, intellectual, artistic and creative abilities within each child.
Every class has a weekly music lesson. Music is taught through a spiral curriculum called Charanga. Weekly singing practice and opportunities to listen to a varied programme of music is provided for all children. We also take advantage of performance opportunities provided by visiting musicians. We have a well attended school choir which are excited to be taking part in the Young Voices performances as well as joining forces with the local community choir.
A wide range of instrumental lessons with visiting peripatetic teachers is also offered and believe that music is fundamental to a broad, balanced and enriched curriculum.
Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education and British Values
This year, at Burbage Juniors, we have adopted the Jigsaw Scheme of Work that provides a mindful approach to PSHE. Jigsaw is a unique, spiral, progressive and effective scheme of work that aims to prepare children/young people for life, helping them really know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world. Jigsaw PSHE perfectly connects the pieces of Personal, Social and Health Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development into an easy-to-us, lesson-a-week programme.
Jigsaw consists of six half-term units of work (Puzzles), each containing six lessons (Pieces) covering each academic year. Each year group will experience the following units of work:
1. Being Me in My World,
2. Celebrating Differences,
3. Dreams and Goals,
4. Healthy Me,
5. Relationships,
6. Changing Me.
The school ethos instils, and PSHCE reinforces values of respect and tolerance. We encourage pupils to take responsibility for their surroundings and community through the teaching of British values and our whole school values. We teach about respect and bullying through PSHCE and through themed events during the school year.
Discreet lessons on friendship and tolerance will also be taught, as required, by a particular year group, class or group of children. Clear procedures are in place to respond to accusations of bullying. All staff and pupils are educated in how to deal with and report such incidents. Children are encouraged to look out for and look after all members of the school community and speak out when they see injustice. The school is proud of its Beyond Bullying Award and works hard to maintain its accredited status.
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
At Burbage Juniors, our scheme, Jigsaw, includes Relationships, Sex and Health Education that fulfil the new Department for Education statutory requirements (2021). Each child will be given relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and to develop positive relationships with themselves and others. Jigsaw strongly emphasises emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health.
Within Jigsaw’s ‘Relationships’ Unit of Work children will be taught to understand friendships, family and other relationships, conflict resolution and communication skills. Within Jigsaw’s ‘Changing Me’ Unit of Work children will be taught sex and education in the context of coping positively with change and age-appropriate sex education.
Religious Education
The R.E. curriculum follows the Leicestershire Syllabus supported by the ‘R.E. Today’ scheme.
Our children learn about a range of religions including Christianity, Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism. Not only do they learn about and compare these religious practices, but they also get to ponder over more philosophical issues around life, values and beliefs. All children have the opportunity to visit a range of places of worship to broaden their understanding of the community in which they live.
PE and Sports
At Burbage Juniors, physical education is given a high profile. All pupils will experience lessons in gymnastics, dance, games, swimming, athletics, as well as outdoor and adventurous activities. PE is taught through two spiral curriculums called Real PE and Get Set 4 PE.
Our extra-curricular sporting provision provides our pupils with the opportunity to participate in a variety of additional activities which take place at lunchtimes and after school. What’s more, children have the opportunity to compete against others, both within their lessons and extra-curricular clubs, but also at an inter-school level, where they compete against other schools across a range of sporting disciplines.
Sporting participation and success is recognised and celebrated across the school.
We hold the Platinum Games Mark for our ongoing successful provision.
Our aim through teaching French is to open doors to other cultures and to allow children the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the world around them. French encourages a curiosity in other cultures and ways of life and encourages children to develop a tolerance towards different cultures and ethnicities. By studying French, we are preparing our children for life at secondary school by giving them a solid basis on which to develop.
At Burbage Junior School, the children will follow the Rigolo scheme of work which teaches French through storytelling. The children will develop their French literacy, spelling and speaking and listening skills.
If you would like to know more information please contact the school office on: 01455 630970 or
The office staff will direct your enquiry to a curriculum leader who can contact you directly.